Our core business is the compilation of annual accounts and---> more...
At BGH, we put the entrepreneur’s interests first in all our advices ---> more...
A company transfer often means more work than you think. BGH provides the following for you ---> more...
About BGH
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs, people you can count on... BGH has broad expertise in all aspects of accountancy. We are up to date with the latest developments, so that we can be a practical source of answers for your problems. The enthusiasm of the employees and the involvement of BGH are the reasons why clients stay with us for a long time. Moreover, we have wide experience in various branches. We know your clients, your company and the sector that you are active in.
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs started in 1983 and works from three offices, in Nijmegen, Uden and Schijndel. At these offices, our accountants and tax specialists work together in different teams. The teams are small, so that the communication lines are short, not only internally but also to the client. You know who you need and we know who you are.
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs B.V.
Handelsregisternummer : 10146731"
St Annastraat 234, 6525 GZ Nijmegen. T (024) 323 13 65 F (024) 323 12 36 bghnijmegen@bghacc.nl
Vijverlaan 2 , 5404 KJ Uden. T (0413) 25 45 50 F (0413) 26 23 55 bghuden@bghacc.nl
Molenhof 16, 5482 HM Schijndel. T (073) 549 21 18 F (073) 547 40 67 bghschijndel@bghacc.nl
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs, people you can count on...
BGH can help you practically with the formulation of contracts of employment ---> more...
We can not only advise you about the right package, we can also help you with ---> more...
As someone starting a new business, you will be confronted with ---> more...