Our core business is the compilation of annual accounts and---> more...
At BGH, we put the entrepreneur’s interests first in all our advices ---> more...
The majority of our 1200 clients belong to the ---> more...
We know the importance of a good personnel policy, because it helps to determine the success of your company
As trustees and auditors, we consider it important to get the maximum result through the effective use of your capital. In this aspect, human capital is the greatest challenge in getting the maximum result. And this requires a good personnel policy. BGH can support and guide you here with various aspects. We realise the importance of a good HRM policy, because it helps to determine the growth and the success of your company.
BGH can help you practically with the compilation of contracts of employment, personnel covenants and a personnel management system. In addition, we can support you with specific matters, such as subsidy requests, the selection of an insurance package and the choice of Occupational Health and Safety service. If required, we can also help you with your recruitment, selection and interviewing of potential candidates. We see that entrepreneurs often have problems with dismissal procedures; we can also you advise here.
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs B.V.
Handelsregisternummer : 10146731"
St Annastraat 234, 6525 GZ Nijmegen. T (024) 323 13 65 F (024) 323 12 36 bghnijmegen@bghacc.nl
Vijverlaan 2 , 5404 KJ Uden. T (0413) 25 45 50 F (0413) 26 23 55 bghuden@bghacc.nl
Molenhof 16, 5482 HM Schijndel. T (073) 549 21 18 F (073) 547 40 67 bghschijndel@bghacc.nl
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs, people you can count on...
A company transfer often means more work than you think. BGH provides the following for you ---> more...
We can not only advise you about the right package, we can also help you with ---> more...
As someone starting a new business, you will be confronted with ---> more...