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BGH News
For some years now, BGH Accountants & Adviseurs has been the main sponsor of the Summer exhibition in the Stevens church in Nijmegen, the artistic part of the Vierdaagsefeesten (Four-day festivities). During this exhibition, Nijmegen takes a central place and lets artists be inspired by a different theme each year.
This yearís theme was ëContemporary Luxury and Decadenceí
During the summer exhibition, the 2008 Nijmegen print will also be unveiled. Each year, a prominent Dutch artist is commissioned to let himself be inspired by Nijmegen and to make a print in a limited series of 25. In this way, we get a special series of prints with Nijmegen as the source of inspiration.
The summer exhibition was opened from 14 July to 17 August in the Stevens church in Nijmegen and is organised by Intermedi-Art (www.intermedi-art.nl).
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs B.V.
Handelsregisternummer : 10146731"
St Annastraat 234, 6525 GZ Nijmegen. T (024) 323 13 65 F (024) 323 12 36 bghnijmegen@bghacc.nl
Vijverlaan 2 , 5404 KJ Uden. T (0413) 25 45 50 F (0413) 26 23 55 bghuden@bghacc.nl
Molenhof 16, 5482 HM Schijndel. T (073) 549 21 18 F (073) 547 40 67 bghschijndel@bghacc.nl
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