Society counts on us. We are socially involved and engaged in social and cultural matters.
As trustees and auditors, BGH uses its expertise to give non-profit organisations financial guidance and organisational advice on a non-commercial basis. We also sponsor different organisations in the areas of culture, development co-operation, sport and the environment. In addition, BGH is strongly involved in the Stichting De Nijmeegse MeerWaarde (the Nijmegen AddedValue foundation). This foundation couples social organisations to industry to realise successful co-operation projects. In our own personnel policy, we attach great value to the individual development of our personnel through courses, training and intensive guidance. With regard to the environment, we collect all our waste separately and we limit our paper consumption as much as possible.
When it was founded in the eighties, BGH was active in giving advice of human- and environmentally-friendly companies. Nowadays, BGH still feels involved with society. This is why we have our own way of giving stature to the
three core aspects of Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship: People,
Planet and Profit. This means that, besides striving for profit, we take account of the effect of our activities on the environment (planet) and that we have an eye
for the human aspects inside and outside our company (people).
BGH Accountants & Adviseurs B.V.
Handelsregisternummer : 10146731"
St Annastraat 234, 6525 GZ Nijmegen. T (024) 323 13 65 F (024) 323 12 36
Molenhof 16, 5482 HM Schijndel. T (073) 549 21 18 F (073) 547 40 67